Sunday, July 15, 2007

Ava's 2month check up

So shes 11lbs 10oz 23.5 in! She is in the 75th percentile and is doing wonderfully on breastmilk! So to everyone who has been harassing me about giving her cereal, formula and other ridiculous things..... BITE ME!!! lol She's just fine!

Ava started cooing and smiling on demand around 4 weeks old. Now she coos and talks all day, she smiles whenever you look at her. She started chewing her hands around 5 weeks and has been enjoying them since. She holds her head up like a grown up and is just so cool. She is simply wonderful!

peace out for now, i am off to upload pics of the coolest baby ever. oh yeah, Ava already said her first word. She says "im cool"! I am not joking either, I will have to get her on video for all the haters! lol

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