first off i worked 12a-12p...worst shift ever! i come in and do 3 lunch coverages back to back. i came to work kinda with the "i dont feel like working attiude" smh but as soon as i take care of a pt i turn that 'tude off :) lol. my day was fine doing my lunches, then i go into to my assigned station and have a lady thats doing ok, but i just had to travel with her to her room because she had a new chest tube. transport goes ok even though the floor Rn never came in the room to help get the patiient in bed or set up her suction. so, of courrse i tuck my lady in set her all up and then leave. as i am walking down the hall i get attitude from some random nurse " did the nurse know u were coming" lol i say "she got report, ive been in the room for 15 minutes setting up and she hasnt come in" then i keep it moving, but not before asking exactly who is the nurse. I leave telling the nurse that i dropped off her pt and am on my way.
now i am back on the floor and walk into my zone with a new patient.... and guess what? i have yet another patient that will need transport! WTF! anyways i get her all settled and its now my lunch break. i come back from lunch and theres now a 2nd patient in my zone and guess what? fresh trach which equals rn must travel :( so while getting my trach pt settled i notice my other patient (nepherectomy) hasnt really been putting out urine.... i call the md and he has me hang a liter bolus.
now fast forward to like 4 hours later,2500 in saline boluses, 500 hespan, stable VSS, and like hardly 25cc of urine. i call the md with updates and they basically want me to keep the patient until she makes uring because shes "unstable" nonsense, her vitals were fine and the only thing i did for her was hang fluid and check urine. things that can be done on the floor. i had no problem keeping the patient but it was almost 10pm and we were gonna be down to 4 nurses and 4 patients with still 2 to come out of the OR (our ratio is 2:1) sigh.... long story short, call md back because urine output had increased to 50 cc in 1.5hrs. per md patient can now return to the floor! OMG at this poing its a litte past 11 and i am beyondd ready to go, but OR is ringing because they are finished with the urology pt. of course i take him beecause 1 nurse had a busy paitent, the other nurse had a patient, and the third nurse was just getting report on her patient.
ok tired of typing, in the end it all worked out. all patients went to the their rooms/homes and night shift was left with only 2 patients between them ( 2 RN's)
* i only complianed about having to transport my patients because this usally doesnt happen. there is/was enough nurses to have taken one of my patients so i wouldnt have to do 3 back to back transport....but whatever