Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sweet Twist out!

I have a lot to cover in this post! It all started with taking my 3 week old twist out last night. I didnt feel like doing it, but today would be the only day in a week that I would be able to do my hair. It took about 2 hours to take my small twist out :(

After I was done, I decided to wash my hair. I used my old faithful Pantene shampoo since its the only shampoo I have. I hadnt used it in so long because I had strictly been cowashing. Since I as using the shampoo I decided to use all the pantene products I had. I detanlged with the conditioner and applied the oil cream moisturizer to each section I would twist. I used a “heavy” amount for each section. The oil cream mositurizer does have mineral oil in it but I went with because I had used this line for years and my hair has been healthy. besides, what better sealant than something that blocks everything :) lol

Anyways, the next morning I took the twist down and hated my hair at first. while it was soft, shiny, and bouncy, it was really short. I just started fluffing and styling and after abut 10 minutes I loved it. Enjoy the video below :)

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