Saturday, October 8, 2011

My princess wants hair like mine!

last week I decided to put individual braids in my daughters hair.... For a few reasons.  I didn't really like how it looked down, but the other day she insisted she have hair like mine. I added a little water and shea butter to her braids and gave her a headband. 3 days later, girlfriend is still whipping her hair around loving it. This is so special to me because she has never really liked my locs/ twist. She would always prefer a straight long style. Now my princess has watched me wear locs and she must have noticed the beauty because she wants the same. I feel so blessed that I am able to have my very self aware girl love her hair in a very simple state. She knows shes beautiful with or without barrettes, clips, and accessories. No longer does she ask for ponytails or straight hair because she can now appreciate her natural hair :)

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