Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rewist, by yours truly

Its been months since I retwisted my hair myself. I had gotten lazy and spoiled after my visits with the loctician. I decided last night to man up and give it a go. I washed my hair with terresentials mud wash (still love that), then began retesting the front only. I tried a few methods to keep the roots tight while drying. Clips work best and even though they are annoying, thats what I will be using. I didn't use any product, I just used water. I only did the front of my hair because the back is ok and won't be seen too much. My hope is that this will last me at least until next week (wedding to attend) I plan on keeping my hair in the little side ponytail all week and not playing in it too much, lol

please excuse the junk in the background lol

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